Bioplastics Hub

Bioplastics Hub


The Bioplastics Hub is the world’s first green cleantech hub dedicated to sharing cutting-edge knowledge on bioplastics for packaging, products and coatings. By bioplastics, we refer to renewable carbon materials derived from biomass, biowaste, microbes, CO2/methane or from recycled bioplastics.


The Bioplastics Hub is an info & expo center that also offers consulting and services. Categorized into product groups, just like in supermarkets, the collected biobased packaging and products provide a comprehensive overview of the latest material innovations, including insights into mechanical, barrier, and sealing properties.


Background information is shared on material sourcing, production technologies, supply chains, impact assessments, certifications, and end-of-life options. Additionally, information on microplastics prevention is provided.


Here, we connect dots in value chains to accelerate the transition from fossil-based materials to regenerative biobased materials. We collaborate with all partners in the value chain, utilizing cutting-edge technologies, up-to-date databases, and close collaboration with international AI and innovation teams. Bio-based. Science-based. Fact-checked.


Additional focus is on the development and implementation of innovative bioplastics recycling technologies (mechanical, chemical, and organical, including collection and sorting) to ensure their integration within the circular economy.


The hub is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, but operates on a global scale.


Teams of associated experts and scientists with extensive knowledge are available for research, development, and implementation. Discover the benefits and additional features that these innovative biomaterials can offer, connect with producers or supply chains, and learn more about topics such as policies, microplastics, sustainable sourcing, certifications, bioplastics recycling technologies, or to discuss any other issue or challenge.


All sectors of industries are welcome to schedule a visit, consultation or innovation session at the Bioplastics Hub in Amsterdam or online. Or to arrange a meeting for innovation services or projects.


The Bioplastics Hub is a social initiative of Green Serendipity. Our service is partly ‘Powered by ChemistryNL’, which executes the mission-driven innovation policy of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. This allows us to operate entirely independently and without any conflicts of interest.


Cost-Free Consultation

We offer cost-free consultations for Dutch startups and SME companies (Powered by ChemistryNL).



For information, visit, consultations, or innovation sessions, please send request


Image: copyright Green Serendipity